Monday 5 January 2015

Weekly NDM

Who’s taking control this year? Google, BBC, Facebook, or even North Korea?

This article is about how 2014 ended by north korea hacking into sony and dumping all their information on the internet due to a recent movie about them. This begins to question who is in power and who will take control in 2015.

  • As the owners of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram accept that they are not just “neutral platforms”, but actually shaping and controlling media, as well as owning and supporting a great deal of it, we can expect to see them become more active in this area.
  • The Googles and Facebooks of this world could liberate a billion dollars from the glovebox of their Teslas and change the dynamics of media investment overnight. Will they do it? Not overnight, but maybe over time.
  • There is plenty of life in “legacy” media, like broadcast television, but it will only ever play an ancillary role now to social and distributed media.
  •  Facebook is valued at over $220bn, CBS at $27bn, this is not just a bubble or a rounding error but a reflection of how the world and advertisers behave. To remain relevant, existing media brands will have to understand technology and perpetual change in the context of cultural institutions.
  • Or perhaps the North Korean government will give us all something to think about and buy Google?

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