Monday 19 January 2015

Weekly NDM

Michael Fertik: online reputation is becoming more valuable than money or power

This article discusses how online reputation may be more powerful and more valuable than money for instance. It explains how Michael Fertik, an entrepreneur had started his business solely based on reputation.

  • Online reputation of 1.6 million customers who pay upwards of £700 a year to have their most flattering activities showcased to the world via search engines
  • He has a staff of 240 in California and in 2013 he acquired the British company Reputation 24/7 and launched
  • He writes, “Reputation is becoming more valuable than money or power.”
  • The amount of information you give away about yourself – your “digital footprint” – increases exponentially every time you go online.  
This is interesting as the rise of NDM shows that it is becoming so much more relevant and important in today's society that people are willing to pay to have their reputation showcased.

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