Monday 19 January 2015

Weekly NDM

Telegraph Media Group made £55m operating profit in 2014

This article is about how the telegraph has made £55m operating profit in 2014 alone. It discusses how the company has gone on to achieve such numbers via redundancy and cutbacks.

  • The Telegraph Media Group (TMG) made an operating profit of £55m last year, according to unaudited figures leaked to the Guardian.
  • That represented a £6m fall on the previous year’s operating profit but should also be seen in the context of one exceptional item, an £8m digital investment.
  • Print advertising revenue fell in line with the overall market decline but this was partially compensated by “a high” double-digit rise in online ad revenue.
  • It is understood that TMG’s management, led by chief executive Murdoch MacLennan, is “quietly pleased” with the achievement, regarding it as “healthy”.
  • That pleasure may not extend to journalistic staff who have been made redundant over the past couple of years. Last October, TMG cut 55 editorial jobs some 18 months on from cutting 80 jobs.
This shows that although newspaper is on the decline in the form of print, newspaper institutions could stay in profit via the digital transition and NDM technology.

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