Monday 5 January 2015

Weekly NDM

From YouTube to Facebook

This article is about how in the past year video has been of the themes.

  • We sell 7m national newspapers a day in the UK, plus 3m local, so that’s 10m in total.
  • There will undoubtedly be a bit of a shakedown in 2015 as the new owners push for synergies to drive the bottom line.
  • I often get asked if Facebook’s video business will take away from YouTube. But people go to Facebook for many reasons, not just to watch video. People go to YouTube to watch video, and that’s part of its strength.
  • Digital video advertising is growing faster than any other form of digital advertising, but at the same time – in the US at least – TV is still getting more new dollars per year than all of digital video.
  • In the multi-channel network space we’re going to see a lot more specialisation. We’re seeing it already. When these companies first appeared in 2009 to 2011, they were trying to aggregate as many channels and views as possible, to attract advertisers.

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