Monday 15 December 2014


  1. Our news in my opinion is influenced by American Cultural imperialism. Google is the most relevant example of this as this American institution.
  2. The increased globalisation has improved the audience experience as it allows audiences to access and read different approaches to news stories and possibly find a news institution whose ideologies match the audiences so both user and producer can agree on current affairs. Also,the quality of news has increased as the competition with other institutions not only locally, but globally, means that there are better journalists and news institutions.
  3. Globalisation has benefited major news institutions as it has given these institutions a wider target audience, however for some of these institutions this may not be as beneficial as this brings more competition which could force their audiences to other news providers  who may be able to provide and produce better news coverage. Also, price would be a competition between these global institutions, and with the BBC being free it would mean that some people would rather read that rather than for example the Times which has placed a paywall.

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